Get Involved and Become a Rotarian

Rotary Club of the Abingtons is alive and well, thanks to our 50+ enthusiastic and service-oriented members. We are always looking for community-minded individuals to join our ranks and to have a great time along the way.  Membership requirements are pretty straightforward:     

  • Prospective members must be adults who show good character, integrity and leadership, and must have a good reputation in their business, profession and/or community.
  • Prospective members must either live, work, or have a connection to the Abingtons. A person whose business and residence are in communities not served by Rotary is also welcome to join.
  • Prospective members must be willing to have a lot of fun, attend weekly meetings, and give back to the local and global communities that we serve.

Visitors and prospective members are welcome and encouraged to attend Club meetings. To become an active member, you will need an existing Club member to serve as your sponsor. Not surprisingly, many members are willing to assist and help guide you through the membership process.

The Membership Process

A prospective new member must attend at least three Club meetings to learn more about Rotary, complete the New Member Proposal Form, and submit that form to the Membership Committee to begin the evaluation process. 


Membership in a Rotary club was based on the founders' paradigm of choosing one representative of each business, profession and institution in the community. What is called the "classification principle" is used to ensure that the members of a club comprise a cross-section of their community's business and professional life.

A Rotarian's classification describes either the principal business or professional service of the organization that he or she works for or the individual Rotarian's own activity within the organization. The classification is determined by activities or services to society rather than by the position held by the particular individual. In other words, if a person is president of a local bank, he or she is not classified as "bank president" but under the classification "banking." The classification principle fosters a fellowship for service based on diversity of interest, and seeks to prevent the predominance in the club of any one group.

The Next Step

What are you waiting for? Come join us! 
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Rotary Club of the Abingtons, contact one of our Membership Co-Chairs.