Material Drive  Scheduled

Spring cleaning? Rotary Club of the Abingtons will be holding a drive to collect a variety of clean MATERIAL to be made into sleeping bags for the homeless on Saturday, APRIL 13 from 9 AM to 12 PM at the side entrance of the Gathering Place on Spring Street in Clarks Summit. 
Items accepted include: clean used sheets, pillow cases, table cloths, sewing material, blankets, mattress pads, bedspreads, comforters, throws, curtains, and towels to create the bags; MEN'S TIES used for straps; and cotton crochet thread or heavy duty thread for quilting. 
Material will go to the Maple Lake Methodist Church Quilting Group that makes quilts for the Scranton Community Intervention Center and the Clarks Summit Presbyterian Church Quilting Group that also makes sleeping mats for the homeless. PLEASE SHARE and START SAVING.
Material Drive Scheduled Leah Ducato Rudolph 2024-04-13 04:00:00Z 0

History of Rotary Club of the Abingtons

In 1924, a men’s social club, known as the “Abington Men’s Club” was created. In 1928 they were approached by members of the Scranton Rotary Club seeking to convert their men’s club into an official Rotary club. A meeting was agreed upon and 5 interested men met with 2 members of the Scranton Rotary in the medical office of Dr. H. Eugene Simrell in Clarks Summit. After the meeting, the Men’s Club agreed to form a new chapter of Rotary International. A week later, on February 14, 1928, the first  gathering of the new club was held in Herman Cole’s Funeral Home, located on State Street in Clarks Summit. It was presided over by Col. Ezra H. Ripple, Jr.  
The first club officers were:
President - Howard Isby, a local druggist and owner of Isby Pharmacy;
Vice President - Dr. H. Eugene Simrell, a prominent physician;
Secretary – Loyal Bunnell, Owner of Bunnell’s Hardware Store;
Treasurer – George Sharps, a local banker; and,
Directors - Ward Parker, an insurance executive, and Dr. Thomas Rutherford 
Rotary officially chartered the Clarks Summit Rotary Club on March 6, 1929, which celebrated charter night March 21 at the Clarks Summit Presbyterian Church with 183 persons in attendance. Their first actual Rotary meeting was held at the Abington Women’s Club building on the 400 block of School Street in Clarks Summit. 
(Printed with permission from Roger Mattes, PDG)
History of Rotary Club of the Abingtons Leah Rudolph 2023-05-15 04:00:00Z 0

Finally! A New Permanent Home for Us!

Beginning Thursday October 12, 2023,  we will move our lunch meeting to Camelot Restaurant, located at 17 Johnson Road Clarks Summit, PA. RESERVATIONS ARE NECESSARY. 
Prospective members should notifiy us if they would like to attend to see what Rotary is all about. Your first lunch is on usPlease find and 'like' Rotary Club of the Abingtons on Facebook and drop us a note at if you'd like more information or want to attend so we can reserve a lunch for you. 
We've been having EVENING MEETINGS for those who can't attend a luncheon meeting. Drop an email to us at to let us know of your interest and we'll provide a schedule / contact.
Finally! A New Permanent Home for Us! Leah Ducato Rudolph 2022-06-30 04:00:00Z 0